Saturday, March 9, 2019

#Inverse of a Matrix (Alternate Method)

Procedure for finding Inverse of a Matrix:

Regular Method: 
1. Find determinant of given matrix (say the Matrix A)
2. If det (A) = 0, stop (inverse does not exist for singular matrix), else proceed to next step.
3. Find Adjoint (A).
4. Determine Inverse of A from the formula -  (Adj (A))/det(A)

This procedure is okay for 2x2 and 3x3 matrices. As order of matrix increase, finding determinant and then adjoint of the matrix is very hectic job. 

Hence we need an Alternate method. In the  video below, it is explained how to use and Identity matrix along side given matrix and apply row operations to both original and Identity matrices finally transforming that original matrix into Identity matrix and the initial identity matrix leads to Inverse of given matrix.

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